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English 1A - Fox : Finding Your Topic

Steps students through determining their topic and conducting research for an argumentative essay.

Finding Your Topic

PIcking Your Topic IS Research

Ideas for Success

Imagine you're researching the issue of taxation on junk food or fast food. Which Boolean search below would return a manageable number of results? Vote in the poll, then open your choice for the search results in EBSCO


"junk food" OR obesity: 0 votes (0%)
"junk food" AND tax*: 0 votes (0%)
taxation AND food: 0 votes (0%)
("junk food" OR snack*) AND taxes: 1 votes (100%)
Total Votes: 1

Steps to Finding Your Topic

  • Think about what you want to learn from your research. 

  • Create a question and use research to search for the answer. 

If You Get Stuck

  • Search Credo to find a topic of interest or learn more about your topic. 
  • Think about some questions you have about the topic as you read. 
  • Choose your best question as your research topic. 

Finding Your Search Terms

Once you have your question, look for keywords to search. 


Question: Are self-driving cars ethical? 

Search Terms: self-driving cars AND ethics

Search Tips and Strategies

Develop Strategies for Searching

  • Use quotes around phrases
    • "hydraulic fracturing"    "junk food"     "drug abuse"    "peer groups"

  • Use AND to narrow a search and combine different ideas
    • "junk food" AND taxation    "peer groups" AND "drug abuse"

  • Use NOT to narrow a search by removing unwanted terms
    • "family formation" NOT marriage     religion NOT culture   

  • Use OR to widen a search -- OR gives you mORe
    • "hydraulic fracturing" OR fracking    "peer group*" OR friend*
  • Combine strategies to narrow or define a search more clearly
    • ("junk food" AND tax*) AND obesity   
    • (concussion OR "traumatic brain injur*") AND football
    • ("wildland firefighting OR "forest fires") AND safety

Use Truncation – cuts off the endings and returns all forms of a root word
Add an asterisk (shift 8) to the end of the word

  • tax* returns taxes  taxing  taxation  taxed
  • friend* returns friend friendly friends friendless


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