Develop Strategies for Searching
- Use quotes around phrases of 2 words or more
- "national costumes" "dia de los muertos"
- "Hmong culture" "hip hop music"
- "Tejano music" "Fourth of July"
Use Boolean Search Operators:
Use AND to narrow a search and combine different ideas
- Mexico AND "Independence Day"
- Thanksgiving AND "American traditions"
- "sports fishing" AND "California law"
OR widens a search using synonyms -- OR gives you mORe
- "traditional dress" OR costumes
- school OR education
- holiday OR celebration
NOT narrows a search to remove unwanted terms
- Hmong NOT Laos cowboys NOT horses
- religion NOT culture basketball NOT NBA
Combine search terms to further narrow a search
- ("traumatic brain injury" OR concussion) AND football
- children AND (veterans OR soldiers)
Use Truncation – returns all forms of a root word - the * cuts
off a suffix or ending
Add an asterisk (shift 8) to the end of the word
- cultur* returns culture, cultures, cultural, culturally
- music* returns music, musician, musicians, musical, musically musicals