Reedley College stands in solidarity with those fighting for equality and racial justice and in doing so, we affirm our commitment to identifying, addressing, and eliminating all forms of racism and ethnic biases. We are committed to establishing and sustaining an anti-racism learning and working environment by becoming racially literate and understanding the ways in which our biases (both conscious and unconscious), power and privilege influence our institutional services, policies, and practices.
As educational practitioners, we strive to equitize our college and educational practices, we acknowledge it is not enough to be “not racist.” We also recognize that regardless of one’s own race or ethnicity, every person has an individual perspective of racism, bias, and anti-racism. We will work to develop collective responses that oppose systematic racism and dismantle practices that perpetuate racism at Reedley College. Racially offensive comments, postings, or behaviors made by any Reedley College student or employee do not represent the values of the college and are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
We stand committed and will hold ourselves accountable to:
Read, meet, and discuss equity-related books.
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, Community
Self-enroll in the Equity Series Canvas Shell.
A 9-week course offered fully online and designed to help build your understanding of equity and provide concrete strategies for implementation.
Audience: Faculty
Contact: Heather Paul
For more research information please see: